The Configurator

Where to run the Configurator

CalmView can be configured either on the public-facing server (in which case changes made may be seen instantly by members of the public) or on in an internal development environment that will later be transferred to a live server. Much of the configuration of CalmView is done using the Configurator. The Configurator will be installed automatically when you install CalmView.

Working with IIS

Whilst you are running the CalmView Configurator a Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) session is running. It is advisable to save changes on each page of the Configurator as you make them, as IIS will automatically time out a session if there is no activity and this could lead to you losing unsaved changes.

Getting started

To run the Configurator: Open a browser and enter the following URL:


The initial screen will appear, as shown:

The initial screen of the CalmView configurator, showing options on the left hand menu, 'DataSource' being the open option.

Using the Configurator

The CalmView settings which can be customised using the Configurator are divided into the following categories: DataSource, Themes, Images, Showcases, Linked Data, and Pages. These are shown as headings on the left hand side of the Configurator.

The next sections of this guide will explain the settings available under each heading and how they affect CalmView. Before making any customisations you must first select a theme.