
The DataSource section of the Configurator refers to the databases in Calm, where you have stored records you wish to display using CalmView.

You may enable users of your CalmView website to search the Calm databases of your choice (from Catalog, Persons and Places), using fields of your choice. There are two search modes, simple (called Quick Search in the Configurator) and advanced. You will be able to use filters to hide certain records from the public. The choice of which fields are displayed on the Overview, Record View, Quick Search and Advanced Search pages can be configured separately for each database (i.e. by data source), for example the search fields can be different when searching the catalogue compared to searching places. In the Configurator, you will see the options underneath each of the three database names; Catalog, Persons, Places. These are the settings that can be customised.

The options outlined in the next few pages help you to define how you wish the public to search and view your records.