Introduction to Installation

Installing CalmView and building your CalmView website will involve two main machines or environments, plus an optional third. It is important to understand the purpose of each of these and what your organisation will need to do to install CalmView in the correct way or to prepare for a member of the Axiell staff to carry out this work for you.

They are:

  • The server that contains your current, live version of Calm (which is linked to your Calm clients). This is the source of data that will appear on your CalmView website.
  • A live web server, this will be the public-facing front end. This is where your users can search for and view your Calm records, without being able to perform internal operations such as configuring CalmView elements or modifying your working copy of Calm data.
  • A development environment with Calm and CalmView. This is optional. This is where you can configure CalmView before exposing it to the web, if you would like a safe 'sandbox' environment to test changes.

Please note: All these environments must run the same version of Calm and the same version of CalmView (CalmView on the development environment and public-facing server only). When you receive software updates from us, your organisation will need to install them on each of the relevant machines.

The first step in installation is to check you have the minimum requirements for CalmView. It is important to check these requirements even if Axiell are carrying out the installation for you. Please be aware that if these requirements are not met prior to the date of the scheduled CalmView installation it may result in the installation not being carried out and your organisation being charged for the site visit.

Your next step will depend on whether your organisation or Axiell are carrying out the installation. If it is Axiell, please see Axiell Installation. Otherwise, instructions for installing CalmView yourself begin in Development Environment.

Why so many locations?

Axiell recommends using separate machines (or virtual machine environments) for the purposes listed above. This can help to ensure that CalmView, which is exposed to the public web, and your live version of Calm, which is used for data entry, have some separation between them, for security and convenience purposes.