Web Statistics

CalmView records information, and also allows the use of third-party statistical trackers, to help you analyse use of your website.

Transactions are recorded in a log file, found in the \CalmView\App_Data\logs folder. The CRecords folder logs which records are accessed, the Error folder logs any errors that occurred, and the General folder logs any searches made on CalmView. A new log file is created each month. We recommend using your own data analysis tools to compile any statistics that you require.

If you wish to use third-party analytical tools such as Google Analytics, a JavaScript file called custom.js has been included in the \CalmView folder. To use custom.js, simply open it in a text editor (such as Notepad) and paste the tracking code that your analytical service has provided. If there are any <script> tags at the top and bottom of the pasted code, such as <script type="text/javascript"> or </script>, you will need to delete these tags. Finally, save and close custom.js.