Contact Page

The contact page is accessible from the main menu bar at the top of the screen and is designed to allow you to give visitors information about how to reach your organisation. It can contain a map of your organisation's location (taken from Google Maps) as well as contact information below that. These are configured in CalmViewRefreshConfig.xml, a file in the \CalmView\Configuration folder. At the top there is a title and paragraph of information (which can be edited in the contact.xml file, in the same Configuration folder).

The contact page, showing a Google Map location of the site as well as a written address below

The code for the contact page is in the ContactInfoCollection section. The menu bar shown above is configured as follows:



<ContactInfo type="map" text="" src="!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d4408.938613440537!2d-1.146073494992377!3d52.94858721902724!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x4879c3d400940e23%3A0x153680b0ba178836!2sAxiell+UK!5e0!3m2!1sen!2suk!4v1559223942753!5m2!1sen!2suk"></ContactInfo>

<ContactInfo type="address1" text="Axiell" src=""></ContactInfo>

<ContactInfo type="address2" text="Nottingham One" src=""></ContactInfo>

<ContactInfo type="address3" text="120 Canal Street" src=""></ContactInfo>

<ContactInfo type="address4" text="Nottingham" src=""></ContactInfo>

<ContactInfo type="address5" text="NG1 7HG" src=""></ContactInfo>

<ContactInfo type="address6" text="+44 115 900 8000" src=""></ContactInfo>

<ContactInfo type="address7" text="" src=""></ContactInfo>



For a map, there must be a ContactInfo element with a 'type' of 'map'. 'text' can be left empty. 'src' must contain a link to the map in an embeddable form. To find this in Google Maps, you will need to find a specific location (like a building or a business) and click 'Share'. From there, you will need to choose the Embed option and copy just the actual URL (that begins with http), ignoring the rest of the code that comes along with it. Paste that URL in the 'src' section.

And address can be as many lines as you need. Each line must have its own ContactInfo element with a 'type' of 'address1', 'address2', 'address3', etc., depending on which line it is. 'text' will be the text that is part of that line, for example a street address or postcode. 'src' can be left empty.